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Bordeaux custom spacer styles

Default spacer


You can create default spacer with following shortcode:


Star spacer


You can create star spacer with following shortcode:

[spacer style="star"]

Dashed spacer


You can create dashed spacer with following shortcode:

[spacer style="dashed"]

Thick dashed spacer


You can create thick dashed spacer with following shortcode:

[spacer style="thick-dashed"]

Zig-zag spacer


You can create zig-zag spacer with following shortcode:

[spacer style="zig-zag"]

Yellow ribbon spacer


You can create brown ribbon spacer with following shortcode:

[spacer style="yellow-ribbon"]

Red ribbon spacer


You can create red ribbon spacer with following shortcode:

[spacer style="red-ribbon"]

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