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Bordeaux custom quote styles

Default quote style

Nam sed enim ac diam condimentum blandit. Nullam mollis justo vitae ligula lobortis ornare ut in mauris.

You can create default styled quote with following shortcode:

[blockquote style="quotation-marks"]

Curly brackets quote style

Nam sed enim ac diam condimentum blandit. Nullam mollis justo vitae ligula lobortis ornare ut in mauris.

You can create curled brackets styled quote with following shortcode:

[blockquote style="curly-brackets"]

Quote marks

Nam sed enim ac diam condimentum blandit. Nullam mollis justo vitae ligula lobortis ornare ut in mauris.

You can create quote marks with following shortcode:

[blockquote style="quote-marks"]

Dashed box quote style

Nam sed enim ac diam condimentum blandit. Nullam mollis justo vitae ligula lobortis ornare ut in mauris.

You can dashed box quote with following shortcode:

[blockquote style="dashed-box"]

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